Accreditation, Approval, and Certification Fee Schedule
FPA – FEDANT Product Approval
Product Approval first application fee £250.00
Product Approval £1850.00 per annum
PAC – Phone Application Certification Fee
App Certification first application fee £55.00
App Certification £325.00 per annum
NCAV – Annual National Course Accreditation and Verification Fees
NCAV initial application fee £40.00
Antenatal Educator Course £158.00 per annum
Breastfeeding Counsellor Course £158.00 per annum
Doula Course £158.00 per annum
NRSA – Annual National Relative Sector Accreditation Fees
NRSA initial application fee £40.00
Post Graduate Course £150.00 per annum
Relative Sector Award £150.00 per annum
CPD – Annual Continuing Professional Development Fees
CPD Initial application fee £35.00
Continuing Professional Development Course £145.00 per annum
Alterations and Amendment Fees
Minor text alterations and/or small course content changes are free of charge.
Small course content changes £30.00
Title changes and/or larger content changes £45.00
Reinstatement after Lapse or Cancellation
All accreditations and verifications £46.00
Rejection Fees
Applications for accreditation, approval, or certification declined on the basis of content are not charged a rejection fee.
Applications for accreditation, approval, or certification declined on the basis of false representation are subject to a rejection fee of £60.00
Additional Fees
There may be incidences where additional fees may be applied to requests for accreditation. These fees are at the discretion and the instruction of the Education Committee. Any additional fees will be agreed with the summiting body in advance of the accreditation request being processed.
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