NCAV Doula Course Accreditation
Please ensure you have read the general details on Course Accreditation.
To be considered under the NCAV process content of Doula Awards must include:
- Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy*
- Birth situations*
- Breastfeeding/Infant feeding
- Challenges and joys of parenthood
- Comfort measures
- Common discomforts of pregnancy*
- Communication skills
- Contact and Terms
- Different elements to individual infants
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Effects of the birth experience
- Emotional changes during labour*
- Emotional and practical support
- Infant care
- Introduction to labour support*
- New-born characteristics
- Meeting with families
- Needs of individual family members
- Non-judgemental engagement
- Pain relief*
- Parent support during childbirth*
- Phases and stages of labour*
- Physiology of birth*
- Postpartum recovery
- Professional boundaries
- Role of a Doula
- Sleep
- Signs of labour*
- The new family
- Types of birth*
- Unexpected outcomes
*Not a requirement for inclusion in a submission for a Postnatal Doula award accreditation
If you require assistance or have questions relating to course submission please contact the Education Committee Support Team
FEDANT does not accept submissions for the accreditation of Doula courses conducted entirely by distance learning.
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