The trading body as set out in this application undertakes to;
1.1 ensure that all elements as set out in the application and/or otherwise amended with prior agreement in writing to FEDANT, are maintained without alteration.
1.2 that any services set out in this application are fully completed by the trading body under provision of the app.
1.3 that only those services certified under this submission will be provided via the app without prior written agreement with FEDANT and that no additional service provision may be offered.
2 Criteria, Complaints and Audit
2.1 FEDANT shall have the right to verify that the trading body is maintaining this agreement. In furtherance of this the trading body undertakes to supply any information and/or documents relating to the original submission that FEDANT deem appropriate and required for the purposes of verification.
2.2 In the event that FEDANT receives information or complaints indicating that any aspect of the app is not meeting the criteria submitted in an approved certification, FEDANT shall write to the trading body setting out the details of the complaint/information and the trading body shall respond within 15 days.
3 Term and Termination
3.1 FEDANT Application Certification is for a period of 1 year from the date of approval. Extension of this period shall be at FEDANT's sole discretion and may be subject to further assessment.
3.2 FEDANT shall have the right to withdraw forthwith Certification of any app where, in its opinion:
3.2.1 the application no longer meets the criteria in the original submission.
3.2.2 the trading body has not responded satisfactorily to written requests by FEDANT to amend/correct submission errors or content.
3.3 FEDANT reserves the right in circumstance where a trading body has failed to meet the terms of the approval for one application or course, to withdraw all certifications and accreditations for all apps and/or courses provided by the trading body.
4 Communication
4.1 all communication in relation to a Submission for Application Certification and ongoing approval should be electronically delivered by email attachment or fax transmission to the following:
Fax: (+44) 870 879 3528